Nonprofit Sector

NFF’s Annual Survey: 3,000 and Counting

January 28, 2015

3,000 strong. We've been stunned by the sheer volume of nonprofit stories being shared from around the country. Our State of the Nonprofit Sector Survey opened on January 14th, and we've heard from organizations in all 50 states and who represent a broad range of service providers. The nonprofit sector has always been marked by incredible diversity, and it shows in the survey results so far. We've heard from arts and culture organizations in Hawai'i, affordable housing advocacy organizations in New York, and community development groups in Colorado.

The survey data reflects the broad trends and regional nuances expected from a national survey. Here's a snapshot of preliminary findings gleaned from what nonprofits are saying:

  • Sustainable funding models are a priority
    Organizations are very concerned about the volatility of funding streams that characterize both public and private support. Many nonprofits are engaging in long-term fiscal planning and seek diverse revenue streams in order to achieve multi-year financial stability.
  • Rural nonprofits face unique challenges
    Nonprofits serving rural communities state they suffer from a triple threat: the frequent inability to provide services for their communities, a dearth of human capital*, and the struggle to attract and maintain funding streams. Many rural nonprofit providers frequently feel like they can't compete with their urban counterparts and have populations with comparable, urgent needs.
  • The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has changed the landscape
    From an organizational management perspective, ACA implementation has been complicated and challenging. However, once nonprofits have successfully implemented ACA regulations, they've reduced their healthcare expenditures. Equally promising, nonprofits are reporting that expanded coverage through ACA and state-based Medicaid expansions has had a profound impact on their clients' lives.
  • There is a critical need for affordable housing across the country
    Nonprofits are very concerned by the lack of high-quality, low-cost housing options in their service regions. Low and moderate income housing developers are unable to meet the ballooning demand.
  • A human capital* crisis is brewing…
    From fundraisers to leadership to front-line direct service workers, nonprofits report difficulties attracting and retaining top candidates. Many nonprofits are monitoring competitive wage indices and are concerned about their inability to offer attractive compensation packages. Additionally, many organizations recognize and understand that offering a living wage is mission critical and aspire to adequately compensate staff.

Stay tuned for updates in the spring when we release our annual State of the Sector report. We are entering week 3 of data collection and hope you will consider joining this sector-wide community organizing action!

*Note: NFF now uses "people and skills" in place of the term "human capital" to describe the abilities, values, and perspectives people bring to an organization beyond their contribution to the organization's bottom line.